Use Ailish's dispel in the cemetery to reveal a chest containing and orb of sanctuary. Search the rotting fish at the dock to find a healing potion. In the center of town you will find a house with a broken down cart in front of it, this is Kamo's shop. Climb the ladder in the mostly destroyed house across from the church with Ailish and use her dispel to reveal a chest containing an orb of might. Across from this climbable wall there is an outhouse, check behind it to find a chest with 100 Flourins.

You will find a chest containing Buki's Anemomir, a semi-powerful weapon that has the slow effect. Use Buki to climb up the back of the house directly over the bridge from the lighthouse. Another chest containing 250 Florins can be found in the trees near the collapsed cave. Walk around the back of the lighthouse to find a chest with 150 Florins. The crystal reef is a dark replica of Brightwater, so the layout remains almost exactly the same.